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League Patch 12.3 preview reveals multiple champions, including Zeri, Caitlyn, Corki, Senna, LeBlanc, and others, set to receive nerfs

Riot Games Reveals Big Nerfs Coming to League of Legends Champions in Patch 12.3

In the latest preview for Patch 12.3 of League of Legends, Riot League designer Phlox has announced a series of nerfs that will impact some of the game’s prominent champions that are currently dominating the meta.

The developers have decided to make adjustments to the fighter system in order to reduce its reliance on health, while also making changes to a number of champions that are frequently featured in professional play. More information regarding the fighter system will be shared in the coming days. As for the nerfs, they will affect champions such as Zeri, Senna, Caitlyn, Corki, LeBlanc, Twisted Fate, Amumu, Janna’s Glacial Augment, and Pyke mid.

Over the past week, a few champions including Caitlyn, LeBlanc, Twisted Fate, and Corki have been highly prioritized by teams in competitive play worldwide. For instance, Caitlyn boasts the highest pick-ban rate across major regions, appearing in 95 percent of drafts. Twisted Fate and Corki are not far behind, with pick-ban rates of 84 percent and 81 percent respectively.

Twisted Fate has an impressive 71 percent win rate after being picked 17 times, despite being frequently banned in professional leagues such as LCS, LEC, LCK, and LPL. His ability to apply global pressure with his ultimate ability makes him invaluable for aggressive teams, as he can quickly join teamfights. His priority has further increased due to the recent change where the Teleport summoner spell can only target wards and minions after 14 minutes.

Caitlyn and Corki are also considered safer picks for the bottom lane due to their ability to wave clear early in the game. Caitlyn’s long-range attacks and Corki’s set of abilities provide them with the tools to safely farm and trade. They also scale well with items and can fit into different team compositions.

For Corki, one effective build involves combining Luden’s Tempest, Manamune, and Ravenous Hydra. This allows his rockets to deal substantial poke damage, along with the splash damage from Hydra’s Cleave passive. Given enough time to scale, Corki becomes a threat to the enemy backline in extended skirmishes.

Another notable champion receiving a nerf is Zeri, a swift AD carry who recently joined the League of Legends roster. Zeri has been garnering attention on social media platforms with her high-speed mobility and unique auto-attacks that slow her enemies. The specific changes to Zeri have not been revealed yet, but players can expect more details in the upcoming patch preview.

Patch 12.3 is set to be released on Wednesday, Feb. 2.