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League Patch 12.23 to Bring Significant Buffs to Multiple Tanks, Including Sion, Maokai, and Others

League of Legends Preseason Changes: Buffs Coming for Tanks

League of Legends preseason is known for its balance issues. Riot’s balance team is making extensive changes to address the game’s expanding roster of champions. In the upcoming patch, tanks will receive a range of buffs. (URL to YouTube video here)

Recently, bruisers have dominated the game, while tanks have fallen behind. In a tweet on Nov. 29, lead designer on League balance, Matt “Phroxzon” Leung-Harrison, outlined the buffs that tanks can expect in the next patch.

Tanks like Sion, Cho’Gath, Amumu, Maokai, Zac, Tahm Kench, Malphite, and Blue Kayn will all receive buffs. (URL to YouTube video here)

Sion’s stats will see a significant boost, with 70 base mana and 10 mana per level added. This increases his level-18 mana pool to 1,224 from 1,044. (URL to YouTube video here)

Amumu will gain 11 health per level and increased damage on his Despair (W) and Tantrum (E) abilities. (URL to YouTube video here)

Jungle Maokai will receive a substantial damage increase on Bramble Smash (Q). Tahm Kench will see significant buffs to the AP ratios in his kit and an alteration to his ultimate’s shield duration – it will now have an unlimited duration that decays over time. (URL to YouTube video here)

Blue Kayn’s passive damage will also receive a significant bump. (URL to YouTube video here)

Cho’Gath, Zac, and Malphite are also getting buffs. Malphite, in particular, will receive base value and armor scaling buffs to Thunderclap (W) and Ground Slam (E). (URL to YouTube video here)

In terms of items, Sunfire Aegis will receive buffs including a 100-gold cheaper cost and an additional 100 health. (URL to YouTube video here)

Additionally, Zeri will receive some buffs. Riot “TheTruexy,” a Game Designer on the Summoner’s Rift Team, has outlined her changes in a detailed thread. Her tweaks range from base movement speed to her ultimate ability. (URL to YouTube video here)

It remains to be seen how these changes will affect the already problematic champions in League of Legends amidst the Preseason upheaval. (URL to YouTube video here)

Patch 12.23 is set to go live on Wednesday, Dec. 7. (URL to YouTube video here)

League of Legends, Preseason, Buffs, Tanks, Riot, Balance Team.