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League Patch 12.19: Riot plans buffs for Varus, Braum, Thresh, and Hecarim

Riot Teases Champion Buffs for League of Legends Patch 12.19

The Riot developers have provided some exciting details for the upcoming League of Legends Patch 12.19. In a recent patch preview posted on social media by Riot game balance designer Matt “Phroxzon” Leung-Harrison on May 3, it was revealed that Varus, Braum, Thresh, and Hecarim will be receiving buffs in the next patch.

Varus, who has seen a decline in popularity in both solo queue and professional play, will be getting changes that are specifically tailored to his on-hit build. These changes include an increase in bonus attack speed against champions and minions, as well as a boost in damage. The aim is to make Varus more viable and competitive.

  • Minion attack speed bonus (Passive – Living Vengeance): 10/15/20 (+15% bonus AS) 10/15/20 (+20% bonus AS)
  • Champion attack speed bonus (Passive – Living Vengeance): 40% (+30% bonus AS) 40% (+40% bonus AS)
  • On-hit damage (Blighted Quiver – W): 7-21 (+30% AP) 7-27 (+30% AP)

Braum, another champion in need of some attention, will also receive changes in Patch 12.19. These changes will focus on reducing the cooldown of his passive ability (Concussive Blows) and increasing the damage reduction of his E ability (Unbreakable), making him more impactful in teamfights and the late game.

  • Passive ability cooldown (Concussive Blows): 8-6 8-4 (at levels 1, 7, and 13)
  • E ability damage reduction (Unbreakable): 30-40% 35-55%

Thresh, a once-popular champion who has fallen out of favor recently, will also receive some balance changes in Patch 12.19. The developers aim to make Thresh more reliable in the late game by increasing the ability power and bonus armor gained from souls, as well as the amount of souls gained from using his W ability (Dark Passage).

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  • Ability power and armor gained per soul (Passive – Damnation): 0.75 1
  • Shield amount (W – Dark Passage): 60-180 (+1 soul) 60-180 (+2 souls)

Hecarim, the final champion to receive buffs in Patch 12.19, will see a slight increase in the bonus attack damage ratio of his Q ability (Rampage). This change aims to bring more diversity to Hecarim’s playstyle and role in the jungle.

  • Bonus attack damage ratio (Passive – Rampage): 85% 90%

It’s important to note that these champion buffs are still subject to change before the release of Patch 12.19 on May 11. In addition to the buffs, the next patch will also bring some nerfs. Stay tuned for more updates and keep an eye on the patch notes!

Riot, League of Legends, Patch 12.19, champion buffs, Varus, Braum, Thresh, Hecarim