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League Patch 12.10 introduces exciting visual updates for Nami and her skins

Riot Games Updating Visual Effects for Nami in League of Legends

Riot Games has announced that Nami, one of the champions in League of Legends, is set to receive visual effect updates in Patch 12.10. This update aims to improve the clarity of skins and abilities for older champions.

A teaser video showcasing the new visual effects for Nami’s abilities and basic attacks has been released. While her recent skins, such as Bewitching and Cosmic Destiny, will not receive new animations, other skins will see minor tweaks to align with the updated ability animations of Nami’s base skin.

Koi Nami, which was released alongside Nami in 2012, will undergo a complete visual effect overhaul. This includes new animations and a recoloring of her abilities to match the “koi” theme. The potential changes to Koi Nami’s recall animation have not been confirmed.

Nami’s resurgence in professional play, particularly in synergy with Lucian in the bot lane, has contributed to her popularity. Players have been using Electrocute as a rune choice for Nami, proccing it when using her E on Lucian, even if she is not present. While this pick has fallen off from dominating the meta, it has formed one of the strongest bot lane pairings in recent League of Legends history.

The VFX changes for Nami will be available for testing on the PBE soon and will be officially released on May 25 with Patch 12.10. Additionally, players can anticipate a durability update in Patch 12.10, which aims to address major damage and healing issues in the game.

Riot Games, Nami, visual effect updates, League of Legends, Patch 12.10, skins, abilities, Koi Nami, professional play, synergy, Lucian, Electrocute, PBE testing, durability update, damage, healing