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League Patch 11.11 to Bring Buffs to Wardstone and Staff of Flowing Water

Changes Previewed for League of Legends Patch 11.11

The gameplay design director of League of Legends, Mark “Scruffy” Yetter, has given a sneak peek of some upcoming changes in Patch 11.11.

Several items will be receiving buffs in this patch, including Wardstone, Staff of Flowing Water, and Serpent’s Fang.

Wardstone Rework and Buffs

The most significant change in Patch 11.11 will affect Wardstone. This item is undergoing a minor rework to enhance the quality of life for support players. Stirring Wardstone is being completely removed, while Watchful Wardstone will automatically upgrade to Vigilant Wardstone once support players reach level 13 and complete their support quest in a game. Additionally, the item will receive buffs to its bonus HP, attack damage, ability power, and ability haste.

Buff for Staff of Flowing Water

In Patch 11.8, Staff of Flowing Water underwent a major adjustment, losing its movement speed bonus. However, in Patch 11.11, the item will receive a buff due to a preference for Ardent Censer among many enchanter support players.

Buff to Serpent’s Fang for Ranged Champions

Serpent’s Fang, a shield-focused item, will receive a buff to its throughput for ranged champions. Currently, the item reduces enemy shield power by 50% for melee champions and only 25% for ranged champions. Patch 11.11 will give ranged champions a greater impact when building Serpent’s Fang.

Patch 11.11 is scheduled to go live on Wednesday, May 26, according to the official League patch schedule.

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