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League of Legends Update 9.7: Are the recent nerfs adequately addressing Kayle and Urgot?

The Latest Nerfs to Kayle and Urgot in League of Legends Patch 9.7

A new patch for League of Legends is on its way, and players can expect some important balance changes. The champions Kayle and Urgot will be receiving significant nerfs in Patch 9.7. Here are the details:

Kayle’s Scaling Potential

One of the champions affected by the nerfs is Kayle, who underwent a rework in a previous patch. With her rework, Kayle transformed into a scaling ultra-carry, gradually growing in power as the game progresses. However, Riot wanted to balance this by making her vulnerable in the early game. Unfortunately, Kayle ended up being stronger than intended. She was able to survive the laning phase with ease and become incredibly dominant once she reached her power spikes.

However, in Patch 9.7, Kayle will be brought down a notch with several nerfs. These include reductions in her armor growth, health regen, movement speed on Celestial Blessing (W), and damage on Starfire Spellblade (E). While individually these may seem minor, they will add up and make playing Kayle more challenging. Players will have to be smarter in their movements, as they won’t be able to chase down targets as easily. Additionally, her damage output will be noticeably weaker, requiring players to rely more on items rather than scaling. Kayle will still be a strong carry in the late game, but her dominance will be less pronounced, especially at level 11.

Nerfs to Urgot

Another champion receiving nerfs in Patch 9.7 is Urgot. After being relatively weak for some time, Urgot received buffs in a previous patch, catapulting him back into the spotlight. While not the strongest top lane champion, his sudden rise in the rankings raised concerns.

With the upcoming patch, Riot is addressing some of the buffs given to Urgot. His passive damage will be reduced, cooldown and mana cost on Disdain (E) increased, and damage on Fear Beyond Death (R) decreased. These changes should help balance Urgot without completely rendering him irrelevant. Players of Urgot will need to be more calculated in their play during the laning phase, as the increased cooldown on Disdain will make harassing opponents more difficult. In the late game, his ultimate won’t pack as much of a punch, and his passive damage will be significantly reduced. Though he won’t be as overwhelming, Urgot will still be a strong damage-oriented force with the ability to carry games.

The Impact of the Nerfs

Overall, the changes to both Kayle and Urgot are aimed at bringing them into a more balanced state. Kayle will still be a competitive champion and a late-game threat, but her weaknesses will be more pronounced, requiring cautious play. Similarly, Urgot will still find his place in the metagame and thrive in certain situations, but he won’t be as overwhelming or difficult to counter. These changes should lead to a healthier and more balanced gameplay experience.

esports, League of Legends, Patch 9.7, Kayle, Urgot, nerfs, balance changes