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League of Legends: Unveiling the Top Katarina Counters

Katarina is one of the best mid lane assassins in the popular game, League of Legends.

Katarina is known for her high burst damage and mobility, making her a strong pick in any game. Her ultimate ability, Death Lotus, can be especially devastating to squishy mid lane champions.

However, there are strategies and champion picks that can counter Katarina and give you the advantage in lane.

General Strategy

One of Katarina’s weaknesses is her vulnerability to crowd control. Champions with crowd control abilities can interrupt Katarina’s combos, making it difficult for her to deal damage. Timing your crowd control abilities when she uses her Shunpo or ultimate ability can turn the tide of the duel in your favor.

Another important tip is to avoid Katarina’s Bouncing Blades. These blades can allow her to teleport to you and deal extra damage. By staying away from the blades, you can bait Katarina into wasting her abilities and win the exchange.

Champion Counters


A great counter to Katarina is Malzahar. Malzahar has multiple abilities that can neutralize Katarina’s Death Lotus. His Call of the Void can silence Katarina and cancel her ultimate. In addition, Malzahar’s ultimate, Nether Grasp, can also cancel Katarina’s ultimate and prevent her from dealing damage. In lane, Malzahar can safely farm with his ranged abilities and poke Katarina down. In teamfights, his ultimate can lock down Katarina and eliminate her quickly.


Fizz is another effective counter to Katarina. His mobility and Playful Trickster ability can help him avoid Katarina’s damage. When Katarina engages with her Shunpo, Fizz can use Playful Trickster to reset the fight and gain the upper hand. Playful Trickster is also useful for dodging Katarina’s Death Lotus. Fizz’s Chum the Waters ultimate can be used to initiate the fight and his other abilities can quickly burst down Katarina.


In lower ranked games, Heimerdinger can be a strong counter to Katarina. Heimerdinger’s turrets create a zone of control that can deny Katarina farm and force her to play defensively. If Katarina tries to engage, Heimerdinger can use his Storm Grenade to stun her in place and deal damage. It’s important to be patient and wait for opportunities to stun Katarina when she engages. Shutting down her offense can prevent her from roaming and impacting other lanes.


Banshee’s Veil

Banshee’s Veil is a great item for AP champions facing Katarina. It provides bonus AP and magic resistance, and its passive ability can grant a spell shield that blocks Katarina’s first ability, reducing her burst damage.

Edge of Night

Edge of Night is the AD alternative to Banshee’s Veil. It also has a passive ability that can block Katarina’s first ability, giving AD champions a defensive option against her burst damage.

Maw of Malmortius

Maw of Malmortius is a strong item for AD champions facing AP-based assassins like Katarina. It provides a shield when the champion takes magic damage, reducing the impact of Katarina’s burst when they are low health.

Abyssal Mask

Abyssal Mask is a good choice for tank champions with crowd control abilities. It provides bonus health and magic resistance, and its passive ability increases damage against immobilized enemies. If Katarina is stunned during her ultimate, this increased damage can help you win the duel.

By using these strategies and champion counters, you can increase your chances of success when facing Katarina in the mid lane.

Katarina, League of Legends, mid lane, assassins, burst damage, mobility, counter, strategy, Malzahar, Fizz, Heimerdinger, Banshee’s Veil, Edge of Night, Maw of Malmortius, Abyssal Mask