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League of Legends: Unveiling the Abilities of the Upcoming Champion Samira through PBE Data Mining

The newest champion in League of Legends has been revealed today. Meet Samira, also known as the Desert Rose. Her abilities were recently unveiled, and she is expected to be released in the upcoming 10.19 update for the PBE. However, players cannot test her kit yet, as she was datamined from the files instead of being visualized in-game.

Samira is an ADC with a base AD of 59, which is the same as other marksmen like Jhin, Kai’Sa, and Twitch. Her attack range is 500, which is similar to Lucian, Kog’Maw, and Sivir.


Samira has a wide range of dynamic abilities. She uses both her blades and guns to attack enemies, combining her abilities for a more efficient trade pattern. This makes her a high skilled champion to master. Check out all of Samira’s abilities below:

Passive – Daredevil Impulse

Samira builds a combo with unique attacks or abilities, increasing her Style from “E” to “S” grade. Each grade gives her a percentage of movement speed. Additionally, her melee range attacks deal additional magic damage and knock up enemies affected by immobilizing effects for 0.5 seconds.

Q – Flair

Samira fires a shot that deals physical damage to the first enemy hit. If used in melee range, she slashes with her sword instead, dealing physical damage. Both hits can critically strike for bonus damage. When cast during Wild Rush (E), Samira strikes all enemies in her path upon completion.

W – Blade Whirl

Samira slashes around her, damaging enemies twice and destroying any enemy missiles in the area.

E – Wild Rush

Samira dashes through an enemy or ally, slashing enemies she passes through and gaining attack speed. Killing an enemy champion refreshes the cooldown of this ability.

R – Inferno Trigger

Samira can use this ability only when her Style rating is S. She unleashes a torrent of shots, shooting all enemies surrounding her multiple times, dealing physical damage with each shot. She also applies lifesteal, and each shot can critically strike.

Alongside her release, Samira will receive her own PsyOps release skin, the latest techno-themed skin for the game. Get ready to dominate the Rift with her unique abilities.