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League of Legends to Introduce Exciting New Champion Stats Feature

League of Legends Adds Comprehensive Stats Feature for Champions and Abilities

After a decade of anticipation, Riot Games is finally introducing a comprehensive stats feature for all League of Legends champions and their abilities. This exciting update is currently available on the Public Beta Environment (PBE).

The new stats feature provides players with a complete set of relevant information for each champion’s abilities. This includes details such as damage, total AD or AP ratio, cooldown, and mana cost. When hovering over a champion’s ability, these stats will be displayed in yellow, with the lowest rank at the top and the highest rank at the bottom.

Previously, League of Legends players had to rely on third-party websites for detailed stat lists. While Riot’s bi-weekly patch notes gave players a general understanding of each champion’s strengths and weaknesses, a comprehensive list was not available within the game itself.

With the addition of this new feature, players will have a better understanding of their favorite champions. They can make more informed decisions during the laning phase, team fights, and even identify when their champions reach their late-game power spike.

It’s interesting to note that the developers at Riot Games may have been influenced by the stats feature available in Dota 2, as League of Legends tech designer Reina “Reinboom” Sweet admits to having played Dota extensively.

The stats feature is expected to be released on PBE in the near future. Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting addition to League of Legends!

Related keywords: League of Legends, stats feature, champions, abilities, Public Beta Environment, Riot Games, comprehensive, damage, AD, AP ratio, cooldown, mana cost, laning phase, team fights, late-game power spike, Dota 2