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League of Legends: The Revolutionary Impact of Mythic Items on the Game’s Landscape

The Impact of Mythic Items in League of Legends

Each League of Legends preseason brings about major changes to the game. Last year, the Summoner’s Rift updates introduced Elemental Souls and Rifts. This year, the preseason focused on overhauling in-game items. The item shop was completely redesigned, making it easier for players to find the items they need. The shop is now categorized by class and offers suggestions based on the opposing team’s composition.

One of the most controversial changes in this preseason was the introduction of Mythic items. These items are designed to bring out each champion’s true strengths but limit players to one Mythic item per game. Some older items were reclassified as Mythic items, while new items were introduced to cater to different roles. There are now 23 different Mythic items in the game.

Amumu’s Rise to Power

Amumu, the sad mummy, quickly became a top pick thanks to the strength of Sunfire Aegis and Demonic Embrace. These two items allowed Amumu to shred through tanky champions and even solo the Baron at 20 minutes. However, the combination of these items made other tank Mythic items irrelevant and ultimately led to Amumu’s nerf.

The Healing Meta

Moonstone Renewer and Staff of Flowing Waters became the defining items of season 11. These items focused on healing and provided bonuses to champions with healing abilities. Champions like Lulu and Janna excelled with this combo, but it also spread to the jungle with Nidalee and Lillia. The constant healing and power boost made teamfights challenging for opponents.

However, the meta has since shifted, and these support-oriented builds are no longer as popular. Enchanters now prefer Shurelya’s Battlesong, while AP junglers rely on other Mythic items for damage output.

The Problem with Goredrinker

Goredrinker, a top lane fighter-focused Mythic item, caused controversy due to its massive healing effect. Champions like Renekton, Aatrox, and Olaf became unstoppable raid bosses thanks to Goredrinker. Olaf, in particular, had an incredibly high pick/ban rate in professional play. Riot had to tune other items that provide Grievous Wounds to address the healing issue.

The Continuing Balancing Challenge

Mythic items have significantly impacted League of Legends but have also been a source of controversy. Some champions have excelled with specific items, leading to a lack of build diversity. Riot has made adjustments with each patch but continues to face the challenge of balancing the game. The introduction of a new support Mythic item aims to improve diversity in the bot lane.

As the season progresses, Riot will monitor how Mythic items shape the game and make further adjustments as needed.

League of Legends, Mythic items, preseason, item shop, Amumu, healing meta, Goredrinker, balancing