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League of Legends team flawlessly executes powerful combo, secures ace in ARAM

League of Legends: Epic Wombo Combo by Reddit User znat

League of Legends players are all about the epic wombo combos, and one of the most impressive ones we’ve seen this year comes from a Reddit user named znat. In a video posted by znat, his team pulls off a flawless crowd control (CC) chain that will leave you in awe.

Znat’s team consists of Sona, Ekko, Darius, Nami, and Tahm Kench. You might expect the ultimate ability of the first champion mentioned to be the key to this perfect CC chain, but that’s not the case.

It all starts with Ekko’s Parallel Convergence (W). Ekko lands his ability on three enemies who are positioned underneath their second-tier tower. As the skill hits, Ekko enters the anomaly space, stunning his opponents and setting the stage for the rest to follow.

At this point, Tahm Kench seizes the opportunity to join the fight. Using his Abyssal Dive (W), the River King targets the already immobilized enemies. He effectively hits all three of them, and even manages to eliminate Xayah, who was trying to be saved by Nasus.

Just when the enemy team thinks they should disengage, Nami’s Tidal Wave (R) comes crashing in, knocking up the remaining enemies and adding insult to injury.

With the enemy team low on health and ready to be finished off, Darius swoops in and delivers the final blows.


This wombo combo executed by znat’s team in League of Legends is a perfect example of teamwork and coordination. It showcases the power of timing and strategic abilities in order to secure victory in intense battles. Make sure to check out the video to witness the incredible plays for yourself.

Related keywords: League of Legends, wombo combo, crowd control chain, epic plays, teamwork