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League of Legends supports express dissatisfaction with recently hotfixed Spellthief’s Edge.

The League of Legends Meta Faces a New Threat: Zero Farm Spellthief’s Edge Top Laner

The League of Legends meta is currently facing a new challenge—the rise of the zero farm Spellthief’s Edge top laner. This strategy has gained popularity recently, both in professional play and solo queue. The idea behind it is to pick an AP champion that can constantly harass their lane opponent. By utilizing Kleptomancy and Spellthief’s Edge, these players can accumulate more gold than their opponents without relying on traditional minion farming.

Riot’s Response to the Zero Farm Spellthief’s Edge Top Laner

Fortunately, Riot is taking action to address this issue and has implemented a change to Spellthief’s Edge through an immediate hotfix. The modification limits the gold on-hit effect to trigger only if an ally is nearby, while still consuming a charge. This change is good news for top laners who were frustrated by this strategy. However, it has received mixed reactions from supports in the League community.

Support Concerns and Riot’s Band-Aid Solution

Many supports on the League Reddit have expressed their concerns about the hotfix. They argue that it will further penalize them for covering the tower when their carry dies, making their role even more difficult. Some believe that this change is just a temporary solution and Riot will likely revisit it in the future.

Potential Impact on Supports and the Reddit Community

The post discussing this change has gained significant traction on the front page of the League Reddit, with over 1,800 upvotes so far. The complaint highlights a valid point – currently, supports using Spellthief’s Edge are penalized for being in lane without their carry, as farming minions pauses their gold generation. The fear now is that supports who need to stay in lane to cover for their bot laner will face even more challenges due to the slowed down gold generation. Although this may not happen frequently, it remains a concern and adds another obstacle for supports during a crucial phase of the game.

While this change is unlikely to have a significant impact, it remains to be seen how it will affect the bot lane. The hotfix is set to go live today, allowing us to observe the true implications firsthand.

League of Legends, meta, Spellthief’s Edge, top laner, hotfix, Riot, Kleptomancy, minion farming, supports, gold generation, Reddit community, strategy, AP champion, harass