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League of Legends: Sona Shines in Her Own Right, Forget Taric

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When the Sona-Taric bot lane burst onto the competitive League of Legends scene last split, many people thought it was just a gimmick. But months later, Sona-Taric is still thriving, with Sona emerging as the dominant force in the relationship.

In fact, Sona has become so strong that she doesn’t even need Taric anymore. She can be paired with a variety of supports like Galio and Tahm Kench and still be a beast in any duo lane.

So forget about Sona-Taric. It’s all about Sona now.

Solo queue monsters

Back in April, we discussed the rise of Sona-Taric as solo queue picks. Sona had a higher win rate, consistently between 53 and 54 percent, according to

Fast forward a couple of months later, and Sona’s win rate in solo queue is still strong, especially in games that last around 30 minutes.

However, Taric doesn’t share the same success. He has lost some priority and is not as favored as a support pick for high-level players.

What’s interesting is that even top ADC players are choosing Sona over other champions. In North America, players like Sneaky and Zven are picking Sona. In Korea, Deft had a great performance on Sona with an impressive KDA.

Sona is clearly overpowered, and she doesn’t need Taric anymore.

No Taric required

Though Taric still provides benefits when paired with Sona, recent performances show that Sona is the one carrying the lane. Without Sona, Taric is just an ordinary support with less CC and utility.

Other supports have also been successful when paired with Sona. Champions like Galio and Tahm Kench offer different strengths, such as early lane safety or peel and protection.

The evolution of the Sona lane doesn’t stop at Sona-Taric. Professionals are constantly experimenting with new champions, runes, and items. Although not every experiment works, teams are finding more and more ways to make Sona work in different compositions.

So expect to see Sona continue to dominate in the professional League of Legends scene. The meta is constantly evolving, and teams are willing to try unconventional strategies to succeed.

All images via Riot Games.

Related keywords: Sona, Taric, League of Legends, esports, meta, champions, professional gaming