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League of Legends sale features powerful meta picks: Kalista and Vladimir stand out

In this week’s sale of champions and skins in League of Legends, you can expect a great selection of champions to add to your champion pool. However, if you’re looking for new skins, the options are quite limited.

The real highlights of this week’s sale are Kalista and Vladimir. Both champions have been dominating the high elo and professional play recently. While Kalista may struggle in lower elo solo queue, Vladimir remains one of the best mid-top hybrid champions in the game.

Unfortunately, we can’t say the same for Olaf, who seems to be the underdog of this group.

Although the champion sale is impressive, the skin sale is a bit disappointing. Most of the skins available are outdated and lackluster, with the exception of Arcade Ezreal, which is the only recently released skin on the list.


Kalista – 487 RP

League of Legends sale features powerful meta picks: Kalista and Vladimir stand out

Vladimir – 440 RP

League of Legends sale features powerful meta picks: Kalista and Vladimir stand out

Urgot – 395 RP

League of Legends sale features powerful meta picks: Kalista and Vladimir stand out

Olaf – 395 RP

League of Legends sale features powerful meta picks: Kalista and Vladimir stand out


Arcade Ezreal – 675 RP

League of Legends sale features powerful meta picks: Kalista and Vladimir stand out

Rumble in the Jungle – 487 RP

League of Legends sale features powerful meta picks: Kalista and Vladimir stand out

Full Machine Viktor – 487 RP

League of Legends sale features powerful meta picks: Kalista and Vladimir stand out

Renegade Talon – 260 RP

League of Legends sale features powerful meta picks: Kalista and Vladimir stand out

champion and skin sale, League of Legends, Kalista, Vladimir, skins, champions, Arcade Ezreal, Rumble in the Jungle, Full Machine Viktor, Renegade Talon