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League of Legends: Riot’s Recent Nerfs to Zeri Overshadowed, Hotfix Released

Riot Games Admits Overshooting Zeri Nerfs, Introduces Hotfix for League of Legends

Riot Games has admitted that they went too far with recent nerfs to Zeri in League of Legends and has implemented a hotfix to address the issue. In a social media post by Riot lead champion designer August Browning, he outlined the adjustments made to Zeri that have been pushed to the live servers. These adjustments include buffs to Zeri’s stats, Burst Fire (Q), Ultrashock Laser (W), and Spark Surge (E).

– Health: 500 -> 530

Q – Burst Fire
– Lightning Crash (R) stacks and Spark Surge (E) refreshes on crit: two -> three

W – Ultrashock Laser
– Slow duration: one to two -> two
– AD ratio: 1.2 -> 1.4

E – Spark Surge
– Cooldown: 28-22 -> 26-20

These changes were made in Patch 12.7 to align Zeri’s bruiser build with her crit build and make her stacks and on-hits more predictable. However, these nerfs were too harsh. After the changes, Zeri’s win rate in the Platinum division and above dropped to a concerning 42.33%, the lowest among AD carries.

It remains to be seen whether the hotfixes will improve Zeri’s position in solo queue or if further changes will be necessary. The next patch, Patch 12.8, is scheduled for release on April 27 and will be played by top teams at this year’s Mid-Season Invitational in Busan, South Korea in May.

[Related keywords: Riot Games, Zeri nerfs, League of Legends, hotfix, champion, buffs, adjustments, Patch 12.7, win rate, AD carry, Patch 12.8, Mid-Season Invitational, Busan, South Korea]