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League of Legends: Riot unveils comprehensive solution for Poppy and Kayn exploit

Riot Games Fixes Global Damage Bugs in League of Legends Champions

Riot Games has released a hotfix to address damage bugs affecting champions like Poppy and Kayn in League of Legends, according to lead gameplay designer Mark “Scruffy” Yetter. The hotfix aims to eliminate game-breaking exploits that allowed these champions to hit all enemy champions without actually seeing them.

The exploits caused major disruptions in the competitive experience of League of Legends earlier this month. Players encountered cheaters who were able to accumulate hundreds of kills without leaving their spawn, ruining the game for everyone. This bug has been a known issue for over a year, and players have grown frustrated with the lack of action from Riot.

The bug first appeared in March 2019, specifically affecting Kayn’s W ability, Reaping Slash. Riot disabled Kayn temporarily until a fix was implemented. However, the bug resurfaced in May 2020, leading to another disablement of Kayn. In mid-June, the bug returned once again, affecting not only Kayn but also Poppy and other champions. The exploit allowed these champions to perform global attacks from anywhere on the map.

Apart from ruining games, the exploits also resulted in permanent bans for players who were repeatedly killed by the bug. Some players received account bans for intentional feeding after falling victim to the bug multiple times.

According to Yetter, the current hotfix should resolve the issue entirely. However, given that the bug has reappeared multiple times, it is crucial for Riot to provide further information on why the exploit occurred in the first place.

Related keywords: Riot Games, League of Legends, hotfix, damage bugs, champions, Poppy, Kayn, exploits, game-breaking bugs, competitive experience.