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League of Legends: Release Date for K’Sante

The Latest Addition to League of Legends: Meet K’Sante, the New Tank Champion

In exciting news for League of Legends players, a new champion named K’Sante will be joining the roster. K’Sante is a top lane tank and the first Black LGBTQ+ champion in the game. This addition not only brings a much-needed tank to the game, but also represents a new level of diversity and inclusivity.

To celebrate the release of K’Sante, Riot Games has partnered with music superstar Lil Nas X. Lil Nas X recently took on the role of “president of League of Legends” and collaborated with Riot Games to create an exclusive Prestige skin for K’Sante. This skin reflects the champion’s background and personal story, adding even more depth to his character.

Awaited Arrival: When Does K’Sante Release in League of Legends?

League of Legends champions typically become available for testing on the PBE (Public Beta Environment) in the next patch cycle after their official announcement. They are then officially released a couple of weeks later in the following update. This is the standard process for Riot Games, unless major bugs are discovered.

As K’Sante has already been teased prior to Patch 12.20, players can expect him to be released on the live servers with Patch 12.21. The official League patch schedule indicates that Patch 12.21 is scheduled to go live on Nov. 2. This means that players will have the opportunity to test K’Sante’s abilities on the PBE before his official release.

If you’re a top lane player eagerly awaiting a new tank champion, the wait for K’Sante won’t be much longer. Stay tuned and get ready to experience the excitement and strategic gameplay that this new addition will bring to League of Legends!

League of Legends, K’Sante, tank champion, new release, diversity, inclusivity