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League of Legends Pre-Event Power Rankings for Worlds 2015 End in Draw

The Ultimate League of Legends Tie Power Rankings for Worlds 2015

Greetings, Knotheads!

The 2015 World Championships are almost here, and the LoL Ties team couldn’t be more excited! We are gearing up for some amazing tie battles and top-notch League of Legends action. In this article, we break down the Power Rankings for the best tie-wearers at the tournament. Let’s get started!

The Global Power Rankings

  1. pr0lly
  2. Dentist
  3. DoA
  4. LS
  5. MonteCristo
  6. Atlus
  7. PiraTechnics
  8. YamatoCannon
  9. Riv
  10. Quickshot

Now, let’s talk about the eligible contenders for this year’s rankings.

  1. DoA
  2. MonteCristo
  3. Atlus
  4. PiraTechnics
  5. YamatoCannon
  6. Riv
  7. Quickshot

We’ve excluded coaches from the rankings this time, but they will still be subject to tie battles and reviews during the tournament. The list of eligible contenders represents the personalities who will be on the commentary and analyst desks for Worlds 2015.

Now, let’s dive into the rankings:

Not ranked:

It’s important to note that these names are not at the “bottom” of the list. They were simply not placed into the numbered list for various reasons.


Although women are not excluded from tie battles, Sjokz earns a pass from being ranked because not all clothing designed for women includes ties.


We hope to see PiraTechnics during Worlds, as he is known for his impressive tie game. We also wish him a speedy recovery, as we’re sure he’s disappointed not to be on the caster desk.


We look forward to reviewing Krepo during Worlds, as he has displayed some impressive knot skills in the past.

And now, the rankings:

15: Crumbz

Crumbz has the potential to climb higher in the rankings. He showed improvement during desk appearances and we expect more from him in the tournament.

14: Jatt

Jatt needs to work on his tie and collar gap, but there’s room for improvement. With some small adjustments, he could move up in the rankings.

13: Phreak

Phreak has had some great tie moments but consistency is key. We’ll see if he brings his A-game to the World Championships.

12: Rivington Bisland III

Riv was a top talent earlier in the year, but others have caught up. We hope to see him reclaim his former glory.

11: Dash

Dash has the potential to break into the top 2 among NA casters and analysts. He just needs to work on his dimple and T/C gap control.

10: Kobe

Kobe has the skills to place higher, but he needs to show up consistently. There have been suspicions of fake ties, which holds him back.

9: Pastrytime

Pastrytime has shown improvement and effort in his tie game. He has added a neat little bow to his repertoire, which has been effective.

8: Quickshot

Quickshot has the potential to break into the top 5 if he can regain his consistency. He hit his stride late in spring, but needs to bring that level of performance to Worlds.

7: Zirene

Zirene is a tough competitor who always delivers when he shows up. He has the potential to win tie battles against anyone.

6: Spawn

Spawn is a constant threat to the best in this group. He consistently performs well and shouldn’t be underestimated.

5: Deficio

Deficio’s T/C gap control is commendable, but his vest choices sometimes overshadow his ties.

4: YamatoCannon

YamatoCannon has shown great tie skills, but a disqualification for a fake bow tie has affected his ranking. Without that setback, he would be even higher.

3: DoA

DoA is one of the best-dressed casters in the LCK/OGN scene. He has had his ups and downs but remains a strong competitor.

2: MonteCristo

MonteCristo consistently out-ties his Western counterparts. He pays attention to the details and always looks sharp.

1: Atlus

Atlus has made significant improvements and is our number one tie-wearer. His dedication to his tie game has paid off, and he is ready to shine at Worlds.

That concludes our Power Rankings for tie-wearers at Worlds 2015. Remember, coaches like pr0lly, Bubbadub, and kkOma also deserve recognition for their tie efforts, even though they were not included in the rankings.

If you want to join the tie discussion, use the hashtags #LoLTieWorlds and #Worlds. Have fun, be kind to one another, and always mind your KDS!

The LoL Ties Team

League of Legends, Worlds 2015, tie power rankings, tie battles, casters, analysts, tie game, competition, rankings