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League of Legends players unanimously deem it the perfect moment to tackle solo queue.

Playing League of Legends at 6am: A Different Experience

League of Legends has a reputation for toxicity, but one player has discovered a secret to a more positive gaming experience.

On Sept. 22, a League player on Reddit shared their early morning gaming experience, noting that “between 5 and 7 am this is a different video game.” During these hours, players seem to be more patient and forgiving.

Playing at 5-6am, you’ve either been gaming for hours or have just woken up. Mistakes happen, but it doesn’t bother anyone because everyone else is in the same boat.

The player recounted losing fights due to their own blunders, yet nobody flamed or got angry in the chat. It felt like the game was meant to be enjoyed without the toxicity.

Unsurprisingly, other players in the comments confirmed that games at 3am are filled with “degen” players. The difference between games at 1-2am and 5-6am is significant.

Many players claim they are not toxic, but openly blaming teammates for being “bad” counts as toxic behavior. The beauty of early morning games is that most toxic players are already asleep.

It’s not just League of Legends, but my Valorant games at 6am are also unrecognizable. There is no yelling, teammates’ voices reflect their long gaming sessions, and everyone simply enjoys the game.

Here’s to all the relaxed players we meet at 6am. It feels like a cool kids’ club when playing with you guys.

League of Legends, Ranked ladder, Toxicity, Positive gaming, Early morning games, Valorant, Gaming experience