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League of Legends players unanimously declare smurfs as the primary focus in Riot’s campaign against toxic behavior

The League of Legends Community Calls for Action Against Smurfing

The League of Legends community is urging Riot Games to crack down on players who create alternate accounts, also known as smurfing, in order to play in lower-ranked queues and Normal lobbies. This comes after Riot Games announced plans to address toxicity in the game.

Smurfing Creates a Negative Experience for New Players

Smurfing has always been a problem in League of Legends, making it difficult for new players to enjoy the game and improve their skills.

Riot Games Announces New Measures to Reduce Toxicity

In a recent League of Legends developer update, Riot Games confirmed their plans to implement stricter behavioral systems in order to combat toxicity. One key aspect of these measures is the restriction of ranked games for players who have been punished by the system. This includes players who have gone AFK, intentionally fed, or engaged in abusive chat.

Additionally, Riot Games will be addressing disruptive behavior as well.

Concerns Remain about the Issue of Smurfing

The League of Legends community generally supports these changes, but there is a concern that they do not go far enough in addressing the problem of smurfing. Some players have multiple accounts and do not care if one of them gets restricted or banned, as they can simply create a new account and continue their toxic behavior.

The community is calling for a stronger crackdown on smurfing.

Suggestions for Addressing Disruptive Behavior

Alongside the issue of smurfing, players have suggested that disruptive players should be placed in their own queue, separating them from the regular player base and encouraging them to reflect on their behavior.

However, it is important to note that these changes will not be implemented for several months, so their effectiveness remains to be seen.

Currently, Riot Games has not responded to the calls regarding smurfing, leaving the League of Legends community frustrated and concerned about the ongoing issues in ranked games.

League of Legends, smurfing, toxicity, ranked games, behavioral systems, disruptive behavior, community outcry