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League of Legends players share their thoughts on two champions they hope to avoid at Worlds 2023

Worlds 2023: Which Champions Do Fans Not Want to See?

The highly anticipated League of Legends tournament, Worlds 2023, is just around the corner, scheduled to run from Oct. 10 to Nov. 19. As teams begin to secure their spots, fans have voiced their concerns over two champions they hope won’t be played.

The champions in question, Yuumi and Zeri, have recently faced criticism from players. A discussion on Reddit on Aug. 15 revealed that these two champions were particularly disliked among fans.

“Zeri ADC and burn the cat [Yuumi],” read one top comment. Another comment boldly stated, “Zeri and Yuumi can just go away.”

Woman with gun jumping next to a cat on a book in League of Legends

If you’ve been following the League of Legends esports scene, you’re probably aware of the community’s distaste for these champions. Yuumi and Zeri have often been considered too powerful when paired together, leading to their frequent use in various tournaments. In fact, Yuumi was the second-most picked and banned champion at Worlds 2022, according to Oracle’s Elixir.

It remains uncertain whether Zeri and Yuumi will make a significant impact at Worlds 2023. Their pick and ban rates have varied across different regions. In the 2023 LCK Summer Playoffs, Zeri ranked as the third most picked and banned ADC. However, she only had an 11.5% pick and ban rate in the 2023 LPL Summer Playoffs, according to Oracle’s Elixir.

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Personally, I believe it would be refreshing to see other carries in action during Worlds 2023. While it’s natural for certain champions to dominate each year, it can get tiresome for both the players and the community. If I had a choice, I would prefer Zeri and Yuumi to stay on the sidelines as much as possible.