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League of Legends players reach consensus on the most frightening champion specialists

Narrowing Down Your Champion Pool in League of Legends

If you want to climb in League of Legends, it’s important to narrow down your champion pool. Many players choose to focus on one or two champions, while some go even further and only play a single champ. According to the League community, there are certain “one-trick ponies” that are particularly terrifying to face.

In a recent Reddit post on July 4, players agreed that the scariest one-trick pony to encounter is Vladimir. This champion has the ability to become incredibly powerful and near unkillable, making him a ticking time bomb in the hands of a skilled player.

The Champions that Strike Fear

Other champions that can strike fear into the hearts of players include Katarina, Irelia, Evelynn, Singed, and Riven. These champions not only have unique gameplay but also possess the ability to single-handedly carry a game. They also have a high skill ceiling, meaning that they have a steep learning curve and require practice to master. Additionally, these champions have various tricks and combos that players need to learn.

Expanding the Scary List

While I agree with the aforementioned list, I would also add Rengar, Draven, and Twitch. When played to their fullest potential, these champions have the ability to completely take over a game and manipulate the enemy team.

Related: LCS and LCK pros hate playing against this LoL champion

League of Legends, one-trick ponies, champion pool, climb, Vladimir, Katarina, Irelia, Evelynn, Singed, Riven, Rengar, Draven, Twitch