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League of Legends Players Reach Consensus on Essential Champions to Permanently Ban in Ranked Matches

Which Champions do League of Legends Players Hate the Most?

Every League of Legends player has a champion they hate to see on the opposite team and end up banning them way too often. On July 31, the League community gathered on Reddit to discuss their most-hated and permabanned champions in the game.

Some of the top comments pointed out champions with annoying crowd control tools or abilities, or ones with immensely high snowball potential, which are often frustrating to play against.

The author of the post claimed to have been banning Kha’Zix every game “because it feels he is always an overfed 1v9 snowball machine.” Another player mentioned the classic League fighter, Master Yi, stating that they ban him because “nothing about it is fun. I don’t want it in the enemy team, I don’t want it in my team. Just unfun all across the board.”

When it comes to champions who are flat-out annoying to play against, players have mentioned Veigar, Yuumi, Jax, Thresh, Pyke, and Illaoi. One player argued that Veigar is frustrating because whenever his cage comes down, their team’s decision-making demotes significantly. It’s hard to disagree with that. Dodging Veigar’s E, Illaoi’s tentacles, or Thresh’s Q may seem easy, but players tend to deliberately walk into these abilities, allowing frustration to take over.

Naturally, one player also mentioned the most annoying champion to play against, Teemo. After all, who likes to walk into a field of invisible mushrooms and lose half of their health?

League of Legends – A Diversified Game

The Reddit thread is filled with different answers and arguments behind them, showing that League of Legends is a truly diversified game. Every champion seems to be either beloved or hated by a group of players, and that’s the success of a multiplayer title on its own.

Check out the video below for more insights on the most hated champions in League of Legends:[insert-youtube-video-url-here]

League of Legends, champions, hate, permaban, community, frustrating, annoying, diversified game