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League of Legends players reach consensus: Bruiser gameplay relies heavily on a single repetitive ability

Bruisers in League of Legends: A Stagnant Role in Need of Change

When it comes to the roles in League of Legends, bruisers have the least amount of variance among their characters. While assassins, AD carries, and supports are constantly receiving new abilities and ways to dominate the game, bruisers seem to be left behind.

As a bruiser, the main objective is to be a presence on the frontline without much room for flashy plays or unique damage-dealing abilities. Players are starting to feel that playing a bruiser has become monotonous, and they have been expressing their concerns in a recent thread on the game’s official subreddit. The primary point made in the thread is that bruisers mainly deal damage in a circular area around themselves, which can get repetitive.

The original poster of the Reddit thread, user moody_P, mentioned several champions who fit this archetype, including Swain, Mordekaiser, Udyr, Shyvana, and Garen. However, there are other champions in both the jungle and top lane that also fall into this category of passive, circular damage-dealers.

Circular abilities are popular in League of Legends and have been widely used by Riot to design and streamline champion abilities. Mages like Fiddlesticks, Karthus, and Anivia are well-known for their consistent circular damage-dealing abilities.

The Lack of Variation and Repetitiveness

Over time, as champion design has evolved, circular area-of-effect (AoE) abilities have become less frequent. However, they continue to be prevalent in League of Legends, mainly due to their popularity in the early stages of the game and the faster champion releases back then compared to the present day. This repetitiveness has had a lasting impact on the game.

While the Reddit thread raises valid concerns about the limited damage options for bruisers, it fails to acknowledge the newer champion releases that have deviated from the traditional archetype. Champions like K’Sante, Gwen, and Sett, who fulfill frontline roles, have brought a fresh perspective to the bruiser playstyle.

In terms of future champion releases, little is known about the next League of Legends champion after Naafiri. However, it has been described as a “hangry jungler” with a frenzy-inducing ability. It remains to be seen if this new champion will also have circular AoE abilities, but fans can expect more information in the coming months.

Overall, the role of bruisers in League of Legends is in need of change. The lack of variation and repetitive playstyle has left players yearning for something new. The community’s concerns are a clear indication that it’s time for Riot Games to consider implementing fresh and innovative mechanics for bruiser champions.

bruisers, League of Legends, damage-dealing abilities, circular abilities, champion design, repetitive gameplay