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League of Legends player’s impeccable Aurelion Sol ultimate narrowly spoiled

Almost Perfect Five-Man Aurelion Sol Ult Pulled Off in a League of Legends Game

Aurelion Sol players always dream of executing a flawless five-man ultimate in their League of Legends matches. And recently, one player came very close to achieving that dream.

Executing area-of-effect abilities is often easier on the small Howling Abyss map compared to the Summoner’s Rift map. MisterMalik1, a player of Aurelion Sol, managed to land a five-man ultimate in Howling Abyss. They shared the play on Reddit on April 19. The ultimate ability affected all five players on the enemy team, except one who flashed out of the knock-up zone in the last second, narrowly escaping the full impact of the ability.

However, the player who managed to escape the knock-up did not survive for long. Aurelion Sol and their teammates quickly eliminated everyone on the enemy team.

To give credit where it’s due, Poppy played a crucial role in enabling this almost-perfect Aurelion Sol play. Poppy used her ultimate ability to knock up two enemies, immobilizing them and setting them up for Aurelion Sol’s ultimate, The Skies Descent.

Aurelion Sol’s ultimate dealt approximately 900 points of damage to each enemy, resulting in a combined damage output of up to 4,500. It was truly a demonstration of Aurelion Sol’s formidable power.

In 2023, Aurelion Sol underwent a rework in Patch 13.4, which revitalized the champion and made him a favorite among players. Since then, Aurelion Sol has reigned supreme in the mid lane, being picked both in solo queue and by professional players.

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Despite receiving minor nerfs in League’s Patch 13.8, Aurelion Sol remains one of the strongest picks in ranked games. Currently, he boasts a 52.26 percent win rate across all ranks, according to the statistics from U.GG.