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League of Legends Players Express Frustration Over Significant Alteration to Smite Summoner Spell in Patch 13.15

Riot Games Addresses Controversy Surrounding Smite Changes in League of Legends Patch 13.15

Riot Games is closely monitoring the jungle position in League of Legends and recently introduced changes in Patch 13.15 that are causing debate among players. The adjustments to the Smite summoner spell have sparked confusion and questions about its impact on champion summons.

Previously, Smite was used by junglers to secure objectives like the elemental drakes and Baron Nashor, but it could also be used on smaller jungle monsters, lane minions, and even champions. This allowed junglers to remove non-playable characters like Annie’s Tibbers and Ivern’s Daisy from the map instantly, which some players argued had no counterplay.

In response to this concern, Riot reduced the amount of damage that Smite can do to these summons in Patch 13.15. Now, Smite deals less damage to summons than it does to lane minions. Additionally, certain summons received resistance buffs, further reducing Smite’s impact. While this change targets smaller, more spammable summons like Zyra’s plants and Malzahar’s voidlings, it has raised questions about the necessity of being able to Smite these summons at all.

Some players have pointed out that Riot’s intention was to address specific summons with shorter cooldowns, rather than strengthening ultimate-tied summons like Tibbers and Daisy. These unique summons are essential to the playstyles of certain champions but can quickly respawn after being defeated.

If the controversy around the Smite changes continues, Riot may provide an explanation for the adjustments or further explore modifications in upcoming patches.

Riot Games, League of Legends, jungle position, Patch 13.15, Smite, summoner spell, champion summons, controversy, balance, adjustments.