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League of Legends Players Execute Incredible Sett and Galio Combination, Decimating Enemy Team

Sett’s Impressive Debut and a Game-Changing Wombo Combo

It’s been just a week since Sett, the latest champion in League of Legends, was released. And already, he has won the hearts of players and conquered the victory screen.

A League of Legends player recently shared a video on Reddit that displayed an incredible wombo combo with Sett and Galio.

In this amazing play, the enemy team, after expending a few crucial cooldowns, found themselves retreating back to their base. However, they were unexpectedly cornered in a choke point by Raptors, making them easy prey for a deadly combo.

It all started with Galio taunting three enemies, setting the stage for Sett to make his move. Sett used his ultimate ability, The Show Stopper (R), to slam the enemy Lee Sin into four people. Taking advantage of this massive play, Galio then used Hero’s Entrance to crash down at Sett’s location. This perfect coordination between the two champions led to devastating crowd control and an entire team wiped out.

Sett’s Role and Performance in the Game

While Sett was designed to be an effective top laner, his win rate in that role is currently not very impressive. In Gold ranks and higher, Sett’s win rate in the top lane hovers around 49 percent, according to However, Sett seems to be thriving in the jungle, with a win rate of 51 percent in high elos. It’s important to note that these numbers might change as players continue to explore and master this new champion.

Witness the incredible wombo combo video here:

Sett, League of Legends, champion, wombo combo, Galio, gameplay, win rate