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League of Legends players discover practical applications for Blitzcrank’s self-slow

Blitzcrank’s Overdrive Ability Might See More Play in League of Legends

In League of Legends, Blitzcrank’s Overdrive (W) ability isn’t commonly used by players. However, that might change soon.

A recent discovery by content creator Hextech Lab has shed new light on the potential of Blitzcrank’s Overdrive ability. This discovery revolves around the use of the new item introduced in the game, Jak’Sho, The Protean.

Hextech Lab found that once Blitzcrank’s W ability ends and the champion experiences a 30% slow, the stacks of Jak’Sho, The Protean start to accumulate. The item’s ability, Voidborn Resilience, stacks for each second in combat, up to a maximum of eight times. Each stack provides the champion with two points of bonus armor and magic resistance for six seconds.

Interestingly, Blitzcrank doesn’t need to actively engage in combat to collect Jak’Sho, The Protean stacks, as demonstrated in Hextech Lab’s video. However, it appears more like a humorous bug rather than a strategic advantage in the game.

In addition to this discovery, the video also revealed a bug involving the champion Viego. The Ruined King was able to retain the full passive benefits of Jak’Sho, The Protean even when out of combat. Furthermore, the item’s passive was reset every time Viego possessed another fallen enemy.

These newfound mechanics could potentially change the way Blitzcrank is played in League of Legends, and players may start utilizing his Overdrive ability more frequently to take advantage of the benefits provided by Jak’Sho, The Protean.

Blitzcrank, Overdrive, League of Legends, Jak’Sho, The Protean, Hextech Lab, voidborn resilience, bug, Viego, Ruined King, video game, esports