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League of Legends players discover new methods of taunting after recent ping adjustments

League of Legends Players Find Ways to Flame Despite Changes to Ping System

League of Legends (LoL) players are all too familiar with the toxic behavior that plagues the popular MOBA game, particularly in ranked queues. Riot Games, the developer of LoL, has made efforts to address the issue over the years, but players always seem to find new ways to talk trash.

Riot recently made changes to the game’s ping system in an attempt to reduce toxicity. The main change implemented was that team-based pings, like teammate spawn timers or item cooldowns, would only appear for the player using them, rather than the entire team.

This change aimed to prevent players from using pings as a means to flame their teammates instead of effectively communicating in the game. However, some players have found creative ways to adapt and continue their toxic behavior.

Team Liquid’s mid laner, Eain “APA” Stearns, shared one such method. He posted a screenshot where he copied the “Champion – Alive” text from the chat and pasted it repeatedly to remind his underperforming teammate of their mistakes.

Despite Riot’s efforts, it appears that toxic players will always find a way to flame others, even with the altered ping system. Some members of the LoL community were disappointed with the changes, as they felt that communication options were further limited for solo queue players.

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League of Legends, LoL, toxic behavior, ping system, toxicity, ranked queues, adapability