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League of Legends player utilizes URF cannon skill for incredible Zoe Q with monstrous reach

League of Legends Players Discover New Zoe Cannon Mechanic in ARURF

In a recent Reddit video, a League of Legends player showcased a unique and hilarious use of the All Random Ultra Rapid Fire (ARURF) mode’s Champion Cannon. By utilizing the Champion Cannon, the player was able to land a long-range Zoe Paddle Star (Q) and take down an unsuspecting opponent. (Video: [YouTube video URL])

By casting Zoe’s Q before jumping into the cannon, the projectile traveled the entire distance with the Aspect of Twilight, dealing maximum damage to the enemy Sett. However, it’s important to note that Zoe’s Paddle Star has a capped distance, limiting the maximum damage it can deal to 150 percent of the total damage. Nevertheless, players continue to find creative ways to increase Zoe’s Q distance. (Video: [YouTube video URL])

Former pro player, Danny “Shiphtur” Le, once used an ally Ryze’s ultimate ability to completely wipe out the enemy AD carry with a Paddle Star. These impressive plays highlight the chaotic and exciting nature of URF mode in League of Legends.

If you’re looking to pull off some insane URF plays yourself, make sure to jump into the game mode while it’s still available. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to experience the adrenaline rush and unpredictability of ARURF. League of Legends players are always finding new and innovative strategies to push the limits of the game.

League of Legends, ARURF, Zoe, Paddle Star, Champion Cannon, URF mode, gameplay