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League of Legends player showcases impressive Akshan escape from devastating Gragas combo

Akshan, the Rogue Sentinel, Shakes Up League of Legends with Unique Gameplay

A new champion has arrived in League of Legends, and his name is Akshan, the Rogue Sentinel. With his innovative mechanics and potential for game-changing plays, Akshan brings a fresh level of excitement to the game. He possesses incredible maneuverability, allowing him to effortlessly enter and exit fights, often evading an enemy’s well-calculated combo.

Akshan’s Heroic Move

In a recent gameplay clip, an Akshan player demonstrated the champion’s capabilities. Akshan and Bard found themselves in the bottom lane, attempting to destroy the tier one turret. Suddenly, the opposing Gragas rapidly approached, targeting the low-health duo. The Bard player, aware of Gragas’ immense burst damage, used both the Shurelya’s Battlesong item and their E ability to escape. However, Akshan had a different plan.

Akshan’s Daring Escape

Instead of utilizing Bard’s portal, the clever Akshan player made effective use of the movement speed boost granted by Shurelya’s. As Gragas launched his Q ability at Akshan, the Rogue Sentinel employed his agile footwork, synergizing with Bard’s assistance and his own passive ability to kite the Rabble Rouser. This forced Gragas to employ his explosive combo on Akshan. As Gragas attempted to use his E, W, and ultimate abilities, Akshan swiftly used his E ability on a nearby wall, distancing himself from danger. The Gragas player stood motionless, stunned by Akshan’s maneuver, powerless against the approaching doom.

Challenges and Buffs for Akshan

Although Akshan has the potential for impressive plays like the one showcased, his performance on Summoner’s Rift has been less than stellar since his release. Inconsistencies in damage across his kit have made it difficult for him to excel in any lane. Despite the formidable power of his W ability, he has struggled. To address this, Akshan has already received two hotfix buffs in his release patch. Nevertheless, the future of League of Legends’ newest champion remains uncertain.

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Akshan, League of Legends, esports news, Rogue Sentinel, champion, mechanics, game-changing plays, maneuverability, unique gameplay, Akshan player, Bard, Shurelya’s Battlesong, Gragas, escape, combo, movement speed boost, Rabble Rouser, passive ability, kiting, E ability, wall, Summoner’s Rift, hotfix buffs, newest champion.