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League of Legends player reaches Challenger solely by using unconventional picks, unveils unique favorites

Player Reaches Challenger Rank in League of Legends Playing Off-Meta

In the world of ranked play in League of Legends, there are different types of players. From those who leave games early to the junglers who always invade, to the toxic ADCs who spam question mark pings, and the players who choose off-meta champion picks. Surprisingly, one player actually reached Challenger rank by exclusively playing off-meta picks.

Pekin Woof: Climbing to Challenger with Off-Meta Picks

Isaac “Pekin Woof” Marconis, a former LCS player and streamer, achieved the Challenger rank while playing off-meta picks. Although many of these picks were in the mid lane, where he previously competed on teams like FlyQuest Academy, they resulted in some unexpected champion builds. Pekin Woof recently conducted an Ask Me Anything (AMA) on Reddit, where he shared his journey to Challenger and the unconventional strategies he tried out.

Exploring Off-Meta Picks in League of Legends

As someone who quit ranked play in LoL several years ago, I used to enjoy playing off-meta picks. These picks typically had little chance of success, such as Twisted Fate with full attack speed in the Jungle or Bard Jungle for unexpected flanks. Although they seemed somewhat logical, they never worked out in the game. Therefore, seeing a professional player and streamer successfully execute off-meta picks with a more strategic approach sparked my interest, as well as the curiosity of many fans on Reddit.

The Unconventional Champions and Builds

One of the most popular questions in the Reddit thread was about the champions or builds that Pekin Woof had never played before his climb to Challenger. Some of these picks were entirely unknown to even the most adventurous ranked players, such as full Lethality Poppy or full AP Nunu and Willump, both played in the mid lane. Unfortunately, there were no build guides provided with these comments, indicating that replicating them in your own ranked games may not lead to the same success.

However, perhaps some players in the community will experiment with these picks and find surprising success in their own games. Additionally, Pekin Woof’s period of playing Bard Mid, which even resulted in some success as showcased in this YouTube video (, further enhances his reputation and respect among players.

Lessons from Pekin Woof’s Challenger Climb

Pekin Woof’s journey to Challenger rank demonstrates an important lesson for all players, whether they are aiming for high ranks or simply playing for fun with friends. You don’t always have to stick to the meta and popular picks to win games. Exploring off-meta choices can bring a unique and enjoyable experience to your gameplay.

League of Legends, off-meta picks, Challenger rank, Pekin Woof