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League of Legends player expertly initiates an incredible team ace with Bard ult targeting all 4 opponents

Bard’s Well-Timed Ult Secures Victory in League of Legends Teamfight

In the game of League of Legends, a single well-timed ability can completely turn the tides of a teamfight. And for Bard mains, landing the perfect ultimate ability is the epitome of success.

A recent League game showcased the incredible power of Bard’s ult. As the Bard player’s team engaged in a teamfight in the top-side river, the enemy players believed they were safe after pushing away Ezreal and Urgot. However, Bard, hidden behind the right-side Baron pit wall, unleashed his ult on all four enemy players in the river.

This strategic move granted Bard and his teammates enough time to close in on the enemy champions and swiftly take them down. Xerath was the last player remaining, who had stayed at a distance during the skirmish. But Bard was determined not to let him escape.

In a bid to secure the ace, Bard utilized his Magical Journey, flashed, and successfully landed a Q ability on Xerath. This allowed the high damage dealers on his team to finish off the kill.

Even without Bard’s ult and subsequent assist on Xerath, it’s highly likely that his team would have emerged victorious considering their significant advantage in gold and towers. However, by executing his ult flawlessly, Bard not only expedited the end of the game but also avoided any unnecessary criticism or questioning from teammates.

Bard, League of Legends, teamfight, ult, victory