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League of Legends PBE reveals fresh PsyOps skins for Samira, Zed, Viktor, Pyke, and Kayle

New PsyOps Skin Line Coming to League of Legends

The newest techno-themed skin line in League of Legends will be providing even more champions with their own unique cosmetics. Surrender at 20, a reliable source for League of Legends news, recently data mined the latest skin line, PsyOps, and previewed it for five new champions. One of the champions, Samira, has had her abilities data mined and is expected to be released on the PBE (Public Beta Environment) soon.

Champions Receiving the PsyOps Skin

Alongside Samira, PsyOps skins will also be available for four other champions: Pyke, Zed, Viktor, and Kayle.

The PsyOps skin line features a psychic android theme that gives the champions a robotic appearance. The skin line has some similarities to the True Damage skin line but with darker colors on the surface. However, when the champions use their abilities, vibrant neon colors are revealed.


The righteous top laner, Kayle, receives cool new robotic-themed wings with her blade getting a futuristic makeover.


Zed, the deadly mid laner, has a fresh new animation for his ultimate ability, Death Mark. Instead of a swirling shuriken, he now injects the enemy with three small blades.


The Bloodharbor Ripper, Pyke, receives a dark blue-themed PsyOps skin that is incorporated into all of his abilities.


Viktor, the champion who seeks to advance humankind, is fittingly included in the futuristic skin line.


Although Samira has only been data mined and not added to the PBE, her splash art provides a preview of her PsyOps skin.

These champions are not the only ones set to receive the PsyOps skin line. Once the skin line is released in the near future, Ezreal, Master Yi, Shen, Vi, and Sona will also have their own PsyOps skins.

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