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League of Legends Patch 7.23: Shyvana and Rammus receive nerfs, and multiple champions gain buffs this week

Riot’s Latest Patch: Buffs, Nerfs, and Tower Changes

Riot Games has made some noteworthy changes in the latest patch, focusing on balancing champions, towers, and minions. While the recent adjustments to runes, Blue Essence, and leveling have drawn much attention, champion tweaks have not been overlooked.

Shyvana and Rammus, two of the game’s strongest champions, are receiving adjustments to bring them in line with the rest of the roster. Shyvana’s base attack damage is being reduced from 69 to 66, which will have a significant impact on her camp clear. Similarly, Rammus’ armor is being decreased from 40 to 36, affecting his early game camp clear but with little impact in later levels as he builds up armor from items.

On the flip side, weaker champions are receiving buffs to help them find their place in the current meta. Jinx is getting a major change to her Flame Chompers! ability, which will now stop champions mid-dash, making it easier for her to survive ganks, engages, and tower dives. Other notable buffs include increases to Taliyah’s health and armor per level, Illaoi’s W ability no longer being cancelable, and Gragas’ attack speed being significantly boosted to aid in jungle clearing.

The most surprising change in this patch is focused on towers and minions. Towers will now have 300 more health, making them tankier and harder to burst down. Additionally, minions will deal 10% more damage to towers, compensating for the increased tankiness. This change aims to balance the overall damage buffs to champions caused by the introduction of Runes Reforged.

Minions will also move faster after 20 minutes into the game, enabling them to reach towers more quickly and cause more damage. This change will be implemented a few days after the rest of the patch.

Overall, this patch brings a mix of buffs, nerfs, and changes to champion balance, towers, and minions. It will be interesting to see how these alterations impact the gameplay and strategies in the coming weeks.

Riot Games, LoL patch, champion buffs, champion nerfs, tower changes, minion changes, Esports news