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League of Legends Patch 10.16 Preview: Nerfs include Volibear, Karthus, and Kha’Zix for Junglers

Riot Plans Extensive Balance Changes for League of Legends Summer Playoffs

As Riot prepares for the summer playoffs in the pro League of Legends scene, a forthcoming patch is expected to introduce significant balance changes. Mark “Scruffy” Yetter, the lead gameplay designer for League of Legends, outlined the proposed changes for Patch 10.16. The focus of these changes is to address the performance of three prominent junglers: Volibear, Karthus, and Kha’Zix. These champions have proven to be too strong and have caught the attention of Riot.

Volibear Continues to Dominate Despite Previous Nerfs

Previous nerfs to Volibear in Patch 10.14 did not sufficiently reduce the power of this thunder god. Riot had previously decreased his basic attack speed and healing against monsters with Frenzied Maul (W) by 50 percent. However, this adjustment did little to slow down his jungle clear speed. Exact details of the upcoming nerfs have not been revealed, but it seems that Volibear’s jungle clear may be targeted once again.

Karthus’ Jungle Dominance Raising Concerns

Patch 10.14 made Karthus, the Deathsinger, too powerful. Increasing his base health, movement speed, and damage on Lay Waste (Q) might have been excessive. Karthus has been excelling in the jungle, boasting an almost 53-percent win rate in Platinum ranks or higher, according to Riot may address his jungle clear speed or reduce the strength of his Q to rebalance the champion.

Kha’Zix’s Win Rates Raise Eyebrows

Kha’Zix has also shown impressive win rates recently, hovering around 53 percent in Platinum and above, according to Patch 10.14 increased the isolated bonus damage of his Q from 100 percent to 120 percent. It remains unclear if this damage increase will be reverted or if his clear time will be targeted instead.

Other potential nerfs for Patch 10.16 include Syndra, Nocturne (mid), Sett, Karma, Ashe, Bard, and Nautilus. On the other hand, champions like Ziggs, Akali, Neeko, Veigar, Yasuo, Fiora, Jax, Evelynn, Hecarim, Tristana, Lucian, Miss Fortune, Morgana, and Rakan will receive buffs.

Patch 10.16 is scheduled to go live on August 5.

Riot, League of Legends, summer playoffs, patch, balance changes, Mark “Scruffy” Yetter, junglers, Volibear, Karthus, Kha’Zix