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League of Legends: Mastering the Expert Mode of Tournament of Souls

League of Legends Tournament of Souls: A Guide to Beating Expert Mode

League of Legends players can now enjoy the newest minigame called Tournament of Souls, which was added to the client on July 20. The minigame allows players to play as Samira and battle against other League champions in a fighting game style. Although the minigame is easy to learn, things can get tricky in Expert mode. This guide will help you complete the Tournament of Souls in Expert mode.

Samira’s Abilities in Tournament of Souls

Before we discuss how to beat each opponent, let’s go over Samira’s spells and their effects:

  • Q – Gun
    • Quickshot – Fire a fast shot for 160 damage. When used to change weapons, fires twice.
    • Piercing Precision – Three piercing shots for a total of 210 damage that break shields and increase the duration of airborne.
    • Deadshot – Puncturing shot that deals 70 damage and causes bleeding for 160 damage over four seconds. If already bleeding, the initial shot deals four times the damage.
  • W – Sword
    • Sky Scraper – Upward slash for 230 damage that sends the enemy airborne.
    • Back Atcha – Spin twice for 60 damage, blocking all damage and status effects while reflecting a max of 500 damage back to an opponent for one second. If Samira blocks 300 damage or greater, gain one additional style point.
  • E – Sword
    • Severe Strike – Stab forward for 265 damage inflicting wounded for four seconds. If the enemy is bleeding, refresh the bleeding duration.
    • Twilight Rush – Dash forward for 100 damage, breaking shields, and place a sticky bomb that explodes for 130, damaging all enemies after two seconds. Following with a gun ability detonates early, causing the grenade to critically strike.
    • Style on ‘Em – Slash rapidly, dealing 230 damage, and gain one additional style point. If the enemy is airborne, deal 50 percent bonus damage.
  • R – Neutral
    • Chaotic Daybreak – Increase crit chance from 25 percent to 75 percent for 10 seconds, and unleash a torrent of shots for 700 damage.
    • Immortal Inferno – Unleash a torrent of shots for 550 damage, healing a total of 500.

Understanding Samira’s abilities is crucial for defeating each opponent in Expert mode. Make sure to use the right effects and abilities against each champion and maintain the correct order of combos for maximum damage output.


Recommended abilities:

  • Q: Deadshot (Q3)
  • W: Blade Drain (W3)
  • E: Severe Strike (E1)
  • R: Chaotic Daybreak (R1)

Gwen is the first opponent in Expert mode, and the key to winning this matchup is countering her healing. Use Severe Strike (E1) to apply the wound effect (anti-heal). Time your E ability well and use it when the cue appears to make the most of the anti-heal effect. Switch between gun and sword with your W ability to gain Style stacks and keep going with quick combos. Avoid using the ultimate when Gwen is unstoppable.


Recommended abilities:

  • Q: Quickshot (Q1)
  • W: Back Atcha (W2)
  • E: Twilight Rush (E2)
  • R: Chaotic Daybreak (R1)

Similar to Gwen, timing is crucial when fighting against Lux. She has a shield to survive incoming damage, and her ultimate can one-shot you. Pay attention to her shield and ultimate patterns and save your W ability for her ultimate and your E ability for her shield. Use your Q ability for damage and consider using E-Q combos for extra damage.


Recommended abilities:

  • Q: Quickshot (Q1)
  • W: Blade Drain (W3)
  • E: Twilight Rush (E2)
  • R: Immortal Inferno (R1)

Surprisingly, Naafiri is easier to beat compared to previous champions. The key is breaking her shield whenever she has it up. Build up Style stacks by rotating abilities and use the E-Q-W-Q-E-Q-R combo for maximum damage. Repeat the combos and the victory should be within reach.


Recommended abilities:

  • Q: Quickshot (Q1)
  • W: Back Atcha (W2)
  • E: Style on ‘Em (E3)
  • R: Chaotic Daybreak (R1)

The key to defeating Jhin is blocking his fourth shot with your W ability. This applies to both his basic attacks and his ultimate. Pay attention to his bullet count and time your W ability correctly. Chain up combos and finish him off for victory.


Recommended abilities:

  • Q: Deadshot (Q3)
  • W: Blade Drain (W3)
  • E: Severe Strike (E1)
  • R: Immortal Inferno (R2)

The key to not losing against Pyke is to let your health bar fall below a certain threshold to avoid getting executed. Play smartly, use abilities to heal up, and utilize Severe Strike to maximize the heal from Blade Drain. Avoid taking unnecessary damage and spam E-Q-W in quick succession to secure the win.


Recommended abilities:

  • Q: Deadshot (Q3)
  • W: Back Atcha (W2)
  • E: Severe Strike (E1)
  • R: Chaotic Daybreak (R1)

To defeat Evelynn, use your abilities wisely and be prepared to counter her ultimate with your W ability. Rotate between Q and E, extend the bleeding effect, and build up Style stacks. Use your W ability to dodge her damage. With good timing and execution, victory should be yours.


Recommended abilities:

  • Q: Piercing Precision (Q2)
  • W: Sky Scraper (W1)
  • E: Style on ‘Em (E3)
  • R: Immortal Inferno (R2)

Timing is crucial when facing Sett. Fight back immediately after he lifts you up in the sky, and dodge his second punch with your W ability. Break his shield with your E ability and quickly follow up with Q for extra damage. Utilize your combos effectively to secure the victory.


Recommended abilities:

  • Q: Deadshot (Q1)
  • W: Back Atcha (W2)
  • E: Twilight Rush (E2)
  • R: Chaotic Daybreak (R1)

When facing Shaco, adjust your playstyle based on his attacks. If he disappears and reappears with a clone, quickly destroy the clone with your E-Q combo and be cautious of the stun box that spawns. If Shaco disappears for a longer time, use your W ability when he reappears and the jungle icon starts blinking. Be mindful of your abilities and avoid wasting them.


Recommended abilities:

  • Q: Deadshot (Q3)
  • W: Blade Drain (W3)
  • E: Severe Strike (E1)
  • R: Immortal Inferno (R2)

Always run these abilities against Viego. Use Severe Strike to counter his heals. Start the match with an E-Q-W-Q combo and apply the wound effect with your E. Spam the combos and build up Style stacks. Finish him off with your ultimate for victory.

God’s Eye Viego

Recommended abilities:

  • Q: Piercing Precision (Q2)
  • W: Sky Scraper (W1)
  • E: Style on ‘Em (E3)
  • R: Chaotic Daybreak (R1)

As the final boss, God’s Eye Viego is the toughest enemy. Use abilities strategically and heal up when Viego applies Siphon. Break the shields Viego gets when he turns into Sett or Lux using your Q ability. Avoid using your ultimate when he has the armor buff. Utilize W-Q-E combos to deal maximum damage. With the right timing and execution, you can defeat God’s Eye Viego.

With this guide, you will have the knowledge to conquer the Tournament of Souls in Expert mode in League of Legends. Best of luck!

Related keywords: League of Legends, Tournament of Souls, Samira, minigame, Expert mode, Gwen, Lux, Naafiri, Jhin, Pyke, Evelynn, Sett, Shaco, Viego