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‘League of Legends’ maintains a daily player base of 27 million individuals

Riot Games Expands Player Base of League of Legends to 27 Million

Are you a fan of the popular multiplayer online game, League of Legends? Well, you are definitely not alone. According to new numbers released by developer Riot Games, the game now boasts a staggering player base of 27 million.

This number is equivalent to the combined population of the 13 most populated cities in the United States. And this is just the number of hardcore players. It doesn’t even include the millions of casual fans who play the game on a weekly or monthly basis.

Even more impressively, the numbers also reveal that there are approximately 7.5 million concurrent players who are regularly online at the same time. To put this into perspective, this is almost the same as the entire population of New York City. Just imagine if every player of World of Warcraft had to be online at the same time to compete with these numbers!

Since its launch in 2009, League of Legends has steadily grown its player base. Two years ago, Riot Games announced that the game had 3 million regular concurrent players and 12 million daily players. And in just five months, 2 million more joined them.

Innovative Promotions and Exciting Tournaments

Riot Games has gone above and beyond to promote League of Legends. In October, the company organized the League World Championships, a tournament with a prize pool of over $2 million. The grand finals of this tournament attracted a whopping 32 million online viewers. Furthermore, the company produced an anime-style promo for the Grand Finals, featuring the players battling each other with in-game abilities. You can watch the promo here.

Riot Games has also found creative ways to introduce new playable characters, known as “champions” in the League of Legends community. They released their first-ever music video featuring a brand-new champion called Jinx, which instantly became a fan favorite. They also co-produced a song with the Crystal Method to promote another champion, Lucian. Additionally, they created a launch page for the newest champion, Yasuo, in the form of an animated scroll with watercolor paintings. You can check out the music video here.

A Game That Captivates

No matter how League of Legends attracts its players, one thing is for certain—it captivates them and keeps them hooked. The game has amassed a dedicated player base of 27 million people, and the numbers continue to grow.

Image via Riot/League of Legends

League of Legends, multiplayer online game, Riot Games, esports industry, player base, concurrent players, League World Championships, Jinx champion, Lucian champion, Yasuo champion