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League of Legends’ Incredible Wombo Combo Turns Against Team, Resulting in an Enemy Ace.

The Art of the Wombo Combo in League of Legends

In the world of League of Legends, there is a certain thrill that comes with executing a perfectly timed wombo combo to annihilate the enemy team. Teams often strategize their compositions with this one powerful play in mind.

While achieving an impressive wombo combo is no easy feat, it’s even more challenging to execute it and still end up losing the teamfight. However, as one Reddit user, Eli871, has shown us, it’s not an impossibility.

In a recently shared clip, we witness an almost flawless engage by Galio and Amumu. Galio initiates the fight with his Justice Punch (E) followed by Shield of Durand (W), taunting four enemies. Amumu then flashes in and stuns the opponents with his Curse of the Sad Mummy (R).

With the enemy team stunned, the three remaining allies unleash a barrage of damage, leading to the swift demise of Lux, Seraphine, and Gangplank. Unfortunately, Gangplank manages to release his Cannon Barrage (R) before being taken down. Despite this setback, all hope seems lost for his team.

There is one survivor, Diana, whose health drops to a mere 92. She activates Zhonya’s Hourglass, going into stasis, and simultaneously uses her Moonfall (R) ability, drawing all five red team players near each other.

This turns the tables for the last surviving member of the blue team, Jinx. With all five opponents vulnerable and low on cooldowns, Jinx quickly switches to her Fishbones weapon and starts dealing massive damage. She proves to be so formidable that she single-handedly sends the enemy team back to the fountain in a matter of seconds, narrowly missing out on a pentakill due to Gangplank’s ultimate and Diana exiting stasis.

Thanks to, we can confirm that this was indeed a game-winning play as Jinx and her crew claimed victory just a few seconds later.

While the temptation to execute an amazing wombo combo is strong, it is important to remember that it does not always guarantee victory. Strategy, teamwork, and adaptability are crucial elements in achieving success on the Rift.