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League of Legends’ Highest AFK Rates: The Toxic Brotherhood of Yasuo and Yone Mains

Yasuo and Yone Have Highest AFK Rate Among League of Legends Champions

Since his release in 2013, Yasuo has gained a reputation for attracting toxic players in the game League of Legends. Recent stats from League of Graphs now confirm this, as Yasuo and his brother Yone have been ranked as the champion mains with the highest AFK (Away From Keyboard) rate.

According to the stats, Yasuo mains have a 1.13 percent AFK rate across all regions, making them the highest on the list. Yone mains closely follow with a 1.01 percent AFK rate. Xin Zhao and Sett players also have high AFK rates and are among the top five, with Jax mains at the bottom of the list with a 0.92 percent AFK rate.

However, the AFK rates vary in different regions. In the Europe West server, Yone has the highest AFK rate with 0.85 percent, surpassing Yasuo. In North America, Yasuo and Yone only manage to make it into the top five, while champions like Taric, Xin Zhao, Irelia, and Jax have higher AFK rates.

Yasuo is one of the most-played champions but is also one of the most-feared for the wrong reasons. Many players are afraid of having a Yasuo player on their team, as they often do not live up to the hype. According to the stats from U.GG, Yasuo has a win rate of 47 percent in Platinum ranks and above.

Yasuo and Yone are challenging champions to master, requiring players to learn complex ability sets. Their all-in playstyle and lack of escape tools make them susceptible to feeding kills if players are not careful with their ultimate abilities. Additionally, Yasuo and Yone need to get ahead in lane to have a significant impact on team fights compared to other picks with more utility.

Yasuo, Yone, League of Legends, AFK rate, champion mains, toxic players, stats, League of Graphs, Xin Zhao, Sett, Jax, Europe West server, North America, Taric, Irelia, U.GG, Platinum ranks, all-in playstyle, escape tools, team fights, utility