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League of Legends Fans Applaud Riot for Retraining ‘Challenging’ Champion Releases

League of Legends 2023 Champions: Simpler and Less Frustrating

This year, League of Legends introduced fewer new champions compared to 2022. However, players have been praising Riot Games’ approach in 2023, as they believe that the champions released this year are simpler and less “frustrating”.

According to a discussion started by a player on a Nov. 16 Reddit post, this year’s champions have been better received than the ones from 2022. Many others also shared their thoughts on the sentiment and mostly agreed with it.

“I feel like the 2023 champs are designed to be simpler. Most of the 2022 champs were just overloaded with unnecessary complexities,” read the top comment. It’s hard to argue with this opinion. Last year, champions like Zeri, K’Sante, and Bel’Veth had complex mechanics and immense snowball potential if mastered. However, their capabilities often became uncontrollable. Zeri, in particular, received numerous patches following her 12.2 release.

Zeri loads up and prepares for the attack in Zaun's laboratories.

This year, we saw the release of Naafiri, Milio, and Briar. Most of them are easy-to-learn champions with fewer complex abilities, although Naafiri could be an exception. However, overall, this season’s champions are easier to navigate and play against, while still being fun and strong. This is a significant change compared to champions like Zeri or K’Sante, who had a significant impact on the meta.

“At least the new champions don’t have anything really frustrating. Some of last year’s champions were quite frustrating,” added another player. This statement sums up the sentiment, although it should be noted that Naafiri’s kit can also be frustrating, as pointed out by players.

Riot’s Future Release: Hwei

Riot is expected to release one more champion in 2023, named Hwei. While the previous three champions introduced this year had fairly simple mechanics, Hwei is said to be a “high-complexity champion”, according to League’s October roadmap.

League of Legends, champions, simpler design, frustrating mechanics, Riot Games, 2023 release, Naafiri, Milio, Briar, Zeri, K’Sante, Hwei