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League of Legends: Exploring the Synergy Between Senna and Sion in the Bot Lane

Senna and Sion: An Unstoppable Bot Lane Combo

The current League of Legends meta offers more versatility than ever before, and one bot lane duo is proving just how powerful that can be. A League player recently shared a video on Reddit showcasing the incredible chemistry between Senna and Sion. By executing a well-timed combo, they were able to secure a kill and make a game-changing play.

You can watch the video on Reddit [here](

The play started with Senna casting her ability “Last Embrace (W)” on a minion, which causes it to root surrounding targets. In order for the root to successfully hit, Sion had to use his ability “Roar of the Slayer (E)” on the minion and launch it towards the enemy Lux.

The result? A series of crowd control (CC) effects and a kill for the team.

It’s not the first time that Sion’s ability “Roar of the Slayer (E)” has been used on a minion to enhance team synergy. Champions with explosive abilities, like Tristana and Zilean, can place their bombs on minions and have Sion throw them into the enemy team. Additionally, some Sion players enjoy trolling Lee Sin players by throwing a minion under an enemy tower while Lee Sin is attempting his ability “Resonating Strike (Q).”

Senna has made a significant impact on the bot lane since her release, providing high damage and sustain to help marksmen succeed in fights. While she is typically played as a support, players have also been experimenting with using her as an AD carry or even in the mid lane.

The combination of Senna and Sion’s abilities is a prime example of the endless possibilities in League of Legends. Their coordination and execution showcase the strategic depth of the game, as well as the potential for unique and powerful team compositions.

Related keywords: League of Legends, bot lane, Senna, Sion, synergy, combo, meta, crowd control, gameplay, strategy