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League of Legends developers aim to transform Rumble into an AP bruiser once more through significant updates

Rumble Changes Coming in League of Legends Patch 13.12

Riot Games is planning significant changes for Rumble in the upcoming Patch 13.12 of League of Legends. These changes could transform Rumble into an AP bruiser, as his abilities are undergoing a complete overhaul, as revealed by datamined information.

The developers are introducing maximum health converters on Rumble’s Q and W abilities. This change is intended to encourage players to build bruiser items for Rumble.

In the new update, both Rumble’s Q and W will scale with maximum health. The Q ability will deal damage based on six to ten percent of the target’s maximum HP, while the W ability will scale with six percent of Rumble’s maximum health. Additionally, the base damage of Q will be reduced, including damage to minions. The shield on W will also see a slight reduction.

The changes to Rumble don’t stop there. His base stats will also be adjusted, with lower base health and higher health growth. The maximum heat will be increased from 100 to 150, and the Overheat duration will be reduced to four seconds. Rumble’s E ability will provide 20 heat, and his ultimate will have an increased cooldown and AP ratio.

These changes will make Rumble players benefit more from building AP items, increasing their health, and boosting their Q damage. Currently, Rumble has a win rate of 49.51% in Patch 13.11 and is ranked as the 39th best top laner in the Platinum and above ranks, according to U.GG. The changes are expected to be implemented in Patch 13.12, scheduled to go live on June 14.

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Rumble changes, League of Legends, Patch 13.12, AP bruiser, abilities, maximum health converters, bruiser items, base damage, shield, base stats, Q damage, win rate, top laner, U.GG