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League of Legends community urges Riot to implement vital modification to newly introduced penalty system

Riot Games Faces Pressure to Tackle Griefing in Non-ranked Matches in League of Legends

Riot Games recently introduced a new punishment system for toxic behavior in League of Legends’ ranked matches. However, players are now expressing their concerns about the rising issue of griefing in non-ranked games and are urging Riot to address the problem.

The new system requires players who have been reported for toxic behavior to play five non-ranked games before they can participate in another ranked match. While this may seem like an effective way to punish misbehaving players, it has had a negative impact on casual players.

Players on the League subreddit have observed an increase in intentional feeding by players in ARAM matches following the implementation of the new punishment system. This has led the community to question whether Riot needs to make further changes to the system.

Players Suggest an Alternative Solution

Some players have proposed an alternative solution to address the issue of toxic behavior in non-ranked matches. Instead of simply playing five games, they suggest that toxic players should be required to win five non-ranked games. This would encourage them to work together with their teammates to secure victory, rather than engaging in disruptive behavior.

However, implementing this solution may result in an increase in verbal toxicity, as competitive players may become overly aggressive in modes where no LP (League Points) can be gained. Therefore, finding the right balance in the punishment system is crucial to avoid unintended consequences.

The Need for Further Refinement

Riot Games acknowledges that their new punishment system needs refinement in order to address the concerns of casual players being affected by toxic behavior. Balancing the punishment system to deter repeat offenders while ensuring a positive gaming experience for all players remains a priority for Riot.

Riot Games, League of Legends, toxic behavior, ranked matches, punishment system, griefing, non-ranked matches, alternative solution, community concerns, refining the system