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League of Legends: Blitzcrank Launches Monsters to the Moon!

Riot Games Introduces New Bewitching Skins and Jungle Buffs in Patch 12.20

With the release of Patch 12.20, Riot Games brings a fresh set of Bewitching skins and buffs for the junglers. In particular, Blitzcrank, who recently became viable in the top lane and jungle, receives additional buffs to enhance his performance in the jungle. Moreover, Blitzcrank also undergoes a minor change that doesn’t impact his gameplay.

One noteworthy change for Blitzcrank in Patch 12.20 is the addition of a unique effect when he overkills jungle monsters with his Power Fist ability. When the jungle creep is about to die from Blitzcrank’s empowered auto attack, it gets launched into the air and lands back on the ground after a short moment.

According to popular League streamer and content creator, RossBoomsocks, this interesting feature was unintentional and not meant to go live. Supposedly, Riot developers were unable to find a fix for this bug, so they decided to embrace it and incorporate it as a regular feature for jungle Blitzcrank.

If you’re looking to experience this new “To the Moon” effect, simply save your Power Fist ability as you jungle with Blitzcrank and use it to deliver the final blow to a jungle monster. You’ll most likely witness it soaring through the skies of Summoner’s Rift.

Riot Games, Patch 12.20, Bewitching skins, jungle buffs, Blitzcrank, top laner, jungler, Power Fist, League streamer, RossBoomsocks, live servers, bug, jungle Blitzcrank, To the Moon effect, Summoner’s Rift.