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League of Legends: Auto-Attack Bug Endangers Sion Player’s Game

League of Legends Bug Almost Costs Sion Player the Game

It’s no surprise that popular multiplayer games often come with glitches and bugs that can have a major impact on gameplay. League of Legends, with its vast roster of champions and complex interactions, is no exception.

In a recent Reddit clip shared by Dr_vanilla, a game-breaking bug was discovered that nearly led to the Sion player losing the match. The bug involved the cancellation of Sion’s auto-attacks on the Nexus, putting the game at risk.

The Glitch in Action

The video starts with the Undead Juggernaut using his ultimate to attempt a backdoor maneuver on the enemy base. After reaching the Nexus, he strategically places a trinket ward, allowing the allied Gangplank to teleport and join Sion. At this point, victory seems within reach, as the two powerful AD-based champions should be able to destroy the Nexus quickly.

However, things didn’t go as planned. Sion encountered a bug that prevented him from successfully landing auto-attacks, while Gangplank ended up dying. Even Sion’s passive ability, Glory in Death, couldn’t turn the tide. As a result, the Nexus was left with a measly 129 health.

Close Call, but Victory Prevails

Fortunately, despite the setback, Sion and Gangplank’s team managed to secure the win just two minutes later, as confirmed by

It’s incidents like these that highlight the importance of addressing and fixing bugs in multiplayer games like League of Legends. Ensuring a fair and smooth gaming experience for all players is crucial for the longevity and success of any esport title.

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League of Legends, bug, multiplayer games, glitches, Sion, Nexus, backdoor maneuver