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League of Legends: A Comprehensive Guide to All Briar Abilities

The newest champion in League of Legends, Briar, is driven by an intense hunger that will make you crave victory in your solo queue games.

Briar, known as the Restrained Hunger, is a diving jungler who can switch between her controlled self and a unique Blood Frenzy state. In Blood Frenzy, she loses control but gains increased healing through damage as she shreds through enemies.

Briar is relentless in her pursuit of opponents to feed on and will only be stopped by death, especially when she uses her near-global ultimate to launch herself towards an enemy.

If you want to learn more about Briar’s abilities in League of Legends, you can visit this link.

Diving into Briar’s Abilities

Passive – Crimson Curse

Briar’s attacks and abilities apply a stacking Bleed effect that heals her based on the damage dealt. She gains massively increased healing when her health is low but does not naturally regenerate health. Briar also heals when a bleeding opponent dies.

Q – Head Rush

Head Rush allows Briar to leap towards an enemy, stunning them and reducing their armor. If used on a minion or monster during Blood Frenzy, Briar will stop prioritizing champions.

W – Blood Frenzy/Snack Attack

When activated, Blood Frenzy empowers Briar, increasing her attack speed and movement speed. She cannot be controlled during this state but gains an area-of-effect attack around her target. Snack Attack can be used to bite her prioritized target, dealing additional damage and healing Briar.

E – Chilling Scream

Chilling Scream allows Briar to channel her energy into a scream that damages and slows enemies. When fully charged, the scream knocks back enemies and stuns those who hit a wall. This ability also removes the Blood Frenzy state.

R – Certain Death

With Certain Death, Briar kicks a hemolith across the map, marking the first champion hit as her prey. She automatically dives towards them while fearing surrounding enemies. During this ultimate ability, she gains additional armor, magic resist, lifesteal, and movement speed, along with the Blood Frenzy effects.

Get ready to unleash your inner monster with Briar when she arrives in Patch 13.18 on Wednesday, Sept. 13.

League of Legends, Briar, champion, abilities, Blood Frenzy, ultimate, Patch 13.18