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League hotfix causes major drop in Master Yi’s win rate

Master Yi’s Win Rate Plummets following League of Legends Hotfix

The win rate of Master Yi, a champion in League of Legends, has significantly dropped in solo queue just days after a hotfix was released by Riot Games. According to stats from lolalytics, Master Yi now has a win rate of 29.67 percent in Diamond+ and 41.56 percent in Silver.

After the release of Patch 12.5 on March 2, the champion initially experienced an increase in win rate. However, the day after the patch launched, Master Yi’s win rate dropped to 53.54 percent in Diamond+ and 55.45 percent in Silver.

Additionally, the popularity of Master Yi surged after the patch went live, increasing from 11.79 percent on Feb. 28 to 17.5 percent at the time of writing.

The intention of the hotfix was to shift Master Yi’s focus away from a lethality build and encourage the use of on-hit items such as Kraken Slayer, Guinsoo’s Rageblade, and Wit’s End. However, these changes did not have the desired effects.

As a response to Master Yi’s sudden rise in the solo queue rankings, Riot nerfed Alpha Strike (Q), Wujuu Style (E), and Highlander (R), resulting in a 20 percent decrease in the champion’s win rate in the top ranks.

It is still uncertain whether Riot will intervene again and make further adjustments to Master Yi’s kit. For now, players will need to await the next patch as the developers take a pause to evaluate their goals. Patch 12.6 is scheduled for March 30.

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