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League fan creates breathtaking Coven Braum skin concept

League of Legends Fans Impressing Community with High-Quality Fan-Made Skins

League of Legends fans never cease to amaze with their talent and creativity. The latest addition to the collection of fan-made skins is Coven Braum, created by Ivan Dudar. Dudar showcased various prototype models and even provided an in-game mockup of how this new skin would look.

A Dark and Sinister Transformation for Braum

Coven Braum deviates from the usual light-hearted and cheery personality associated with the champion. Instead, this skin takes a more sinister direction. Braum is adorned with antlers and dressed in dark colors, resembling Druids from other games. The shield, in particular, showcases this new personality and takes the skin to a whole new level.

Image via Ivan Dudar

A Different Personality for Braum

While there may be similarities in terms of the red tint and spikes with the currently available Dragonslayer Braum skin, the overall personality differs greatly. Dragonslayer Braum portrays a courageous man who fearlessly battles dragons, whereas Coven Braum exudes a more stealthy demeanor. This version of Braum prefers to lurk in the shadows, patiently waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike.

Adding Diversity to Braum’s Skins

For dedicated Braum mains, this new skin offers a refreshing change of pace. Most of Braum’s skins highlight his light-hearted and courageous nature, with no exploration of darker aspects. The previous skin release, Pool Party Braum, falls in line with his previous portrayals. Riot Games could consider bringing some diversity to future Braum skins by exploring different personalities and themes.

Be sure to stay tuned for any updates or announcements on new skins for Braum.

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