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League enthusiast crafts stunning floral-inspired Spirit Blossom Xayah concept

A League of Legends Fan Unveils Stunning Xayah Skin Concept

A League of Legends fan named magnusmight recently shared their impressive skin concept for Xayah. The artist expressed their love for the recent Spirit Blossom event and skins and went on to propose what Xayah would look like if she joined the game’s newest skin line.

The envisioned skin features a beautiful rose-tinted hue with hints of light gold and sapphire colors to complement it. If Spirit Blossom Xayah were to become a reality, she would join the likes of Cassiopeia, Lillia, Riven, Thresh, Yone, and others who have received skins from this new skin line.

Image via magnusmight

While there are no guarantees that this skin will be made, Riot Games could draw inspiration from this stunning fan-made concept and potentially create something as breathtaking in the future.

The Spirit Blossom Festival is a revered event in Ionia that opens the door to the spirit world, allowing the deceased to reunite with their loved ones. It is a time when spirits of all kinds turn their attention to the living. League fans can continue to enjoy the Spirit Blossom event until August 24th.

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